BC grocery store alcohol sales date announced

NEWS_BC Liqour

Qualifying grocery stores will have restrictions

By Angela Espinoza, News Editor

Starting April 1, 2015, permitted BC grocery stores will be able to sell alcohol in specified sections. BC Liquor Stores will also be seeing longer hours of operation and will remain open on Sundays.

In addition, independent liquor stores will begin paying the same amount as government liquor stores for alcohol in an attempt to prevent drastic pricing differences.

Grocery stores that wish to qualify for liquor sales must be at least 10,000 square feet and prove that roughly 75 per cent of sales are recognized as foods. Those who qualify may have outside or connecting liquor sales areas, but must be in separate areas to avoid illegal alcohol sales to minors.

The announcement was made by BC Minister of Justice and Attorney General Suzanne Anton on November 19. In Anton’s announcement, she stated, “The number crunchers have been working extremely hard at this where they are setting the wholesale prices and they are setting them with the goal that the prices should not look too different when you walk into the store on April 1.”