Adoption should not be a second option


Stop thinking adoptive children are less than biological children

By Jessica Berget, Staff Writer
To some, adoption is a second choice, a back-up plan, or, even, a last resort. But why? Just because the kid is not your biological child should not make them feel like they’re any less yours. It does not mean they will love you any less, and it definitely doesn’t mean that you should love them any less. So why is it always seen as the lesser choice?

While a number of families adopt after dealing with infertility, some families choose adoption to grow their family, which is just as valid as having biological children. Adoption is a great way to expand a family, yet it is almost never considered for families who can give birth to biological children, or it is the second option for families who cannot conceive children.

The idea that adopting children is only a backup plan, something to be considered only when you can’t have biological children, is a stigma that has to end. With 20 million children waiting to be adopted worldwide, and 30,000 children in Canada alone, adoption should be a more socially acceptable concept.

Every year, about 2,000 children are adopted in Canada, most of these internationally. Many orphanages are filled with children waiting to be given a home, or grow up and “age out” of the system. At the age of 19, they become too old to be in an orphanage and are sent away without a home or a family, often forced into homelessness. These children have a right to a family and a home, and by making adoption more than just a second choice, these children can have the homes and families they deserve.

There is a stigma that comes with adopting children that indicates that the adopted child is not actually your own as they do not share your DNA, therefore they cannot show you the same love as a biological child. Some people ask “Why would you adopt a child when you can just have your own?,” as if the adopted child is not truly your own. Some believe that having biological children is more real, more yours. However, if you cannot love someone who does not share your DNA, how can you love your partner, your friends, or anyone who isn’t directly related to you? Why do you have to share a child’s DNA in order to consider them yours?

An adoptive parent is no less of a parent because they adopted their children. Biological parents and adoptive parents are both parents. There is still a labour of love that goes into raising children, adopted or not. Adoption is a great way to expand one’s family, just as having biological children is. The idea that adopting is a lesser option is a cultural stigma that has to end.