‘Have a nice day!’

By Caroline Ho, Assistant Editor


“Hi, what can I get for you today?”

Pure instinct; I barely hear the words I say

Too busy wondering, does my chipper voice betray

The depth of my bleak, jaded soul’s decay?


These cheery greetings—you must know they’re lies;

Can’t you see it in the dead look in my eyes

As I stare and wait for you to pick a size

Oh, and maybe add a side of fries?


Yes, I promise that this smoothie’s gluten-free,

No, I don’t know if you want Combo A or B,

I am only here to say, so pleasantly,

“Your total comes to $14.53.”


Why do I still work here? No one knows.

I hope you’re not so blind as to suppose

This is the sordid service life I chose?

Only 27 minutes left ’til close.


Maybe now you’ll hear my nihilism sound through;

Then again, I don’t expect it out of you

I know you don’t listen, no matter what I do—

‘Cause when I say, “Enjoy your meal!” you’ll say, “You too!”