Mental health: The great, unnecessary debate

Why you shouldnā€™t trivialize someone elseā€™s mental health concerns

By Roshni Riar, Staff Writer

Opening up about a mental health concern isnā€™t easy. I get it, Iā€™ve been there. Itā€™s an uncomfortable topic to navigate and I am definitely guilty of avoiding those potentially awkward conversations by decidedly steering clear from the mention of mental health altogether.

As a result, I rarely share my feelings. This might spare me some embarrassment every now and then but is ultimately detrimental to my wellbeing and limits the support I could have but may not be aware exists.

Unfortunately, this is a shared sentiment amongst people who struggle with their mental health and it impacts them just as negatively.

Personally, the reasons for internalizing my mental illness range. To name a few: Struggling to overcome cultural stigmas, not yet accepting my mental illness as being a part of me, and not wanting to deal with the ramifications that opening up might create, particularly when speaking with someone I think I can trust with that kind of information. The problem isnā€™t just about opening up, however. Once Iā€™ve gotten over that hurdle, if I do elect to talk about my mental health with someone else, then thereā€™s the actual conversation to be had and thatā€™s where my frustration begins.

What makes opening up so contentious for me is having to deal with other peopleā€™s reactions. Sure, when you get into a conversation with someone where the primary focus is mental health and illness, there is going to be a reaction. However, thereā€™s a lot of different ways that people can take an admission like ā€œHey, Iā€™m really struggling with depression right now and Iā€™d like to share that with you.ā€

In what some might assume could be flattery, a response that I am generally met with is: ā€œYou? No way! I wouldā€™ve never guessed, really. Are you sure youā€™re not just having a bad week?ā€

This kind of response is problematic for a number of reasons. Immediately, Iā€™m being challenged and not accepted or understood. It might seem like the right reaction to have, acting like itā€™s unfathomable that I could be struggling, but it puts me in a place where I feel the need to defend myself or somehow prove that I am in fact being honest. If I feel strongly compelled enough to be opening up, the last thing I want to do is be questioned about whether or not Iā€™m certain that itā€™s depression thatā€™s bothering me.

I shouldnā€™t feel the need to behave a certain way in order for someone to believe me. Challenging someoneā€™s mental health doesnā€™t open up a conversation; it ends up becoming an analysis of the person who just admitted their struggles.

When someone expresses disbelief in your mental illness, it also highlights the fact that a lot of people unfortunately depend on stereotypes to form their understanding of what depression or anxiety may look like. It cements the idea that people expect certain things from a ā€œdepressedā€ individualā€”and the fact that Iā€™m loud, crack jokes, and relatively social doesnā€™t sit well with their preconceived notions or beliefs.

Reacting with shock also means that youā€™re not reacting any other way, whether that be with understanding, concern, or compassion. Itā€™s hard to move past that initial reaction, and if I feel perturbed by having to explain myself in a way I wasnā€™t prepared for, Iā€™m not going to want to redirect the conversation so that you can start over and try another approach.

The takeaway from this rant is that people need to take a moment and pause when someone shares something as heavy as a mental health concern with you. You may feel shocked because you genuinely didnā€™t think your friend was feeling so terrible, which is totally valid. Instead of asking if theyā€™re sure, or expressing how you canā€™t believe it, just ask them if theyā€™re okay. Ask them whatā€™s worrying them. Listen to what they have to say. Donā€™t trivialize someone whoā€™s going out on a limb to share and reach out for support. Reach back and offer them a handā€”donā€™t make them prove themselves before youā€™re willing to help them.