I guess that’s why they call it the blues
By Jessica Berget, Editor-in-Chief
With no prior experience, knowledge of the terms, rules, or regulations of the world of sports, I attempt to cover the local games of the Douglas College Royals. This week: Men’s soccer.
This Sunday, in the bitter cold and pouring rain, the Douglas College Royals fought against the Capilano Blues. It was a wet and intense feud. With the rain pelting down on the players and Royals having a lot to prove from the big loss of their last home game, this battle was sure to be a tense one.
Five minutes in to the first half the Royals had their first chance at a goal as Defense player Marco Consiglio passes the ball to Forward Milan Gandesha but it goes right under his foot. Lots of great passes by both teams as the ball is kicked and chest bumped between players, all fighting for possession of the ball. Ten minutes later another goal attempt is made by Forward Abdul Ali but is caught by the Blues goalie.
Seems the Royals are evenly matched this game with no goals yet almost twenty minutes into the first half. Both teams demonstrate their fancy footwork. There are great offense and defense on the Royals side as the ball rarely gets to either team’s side of the field. The pouring rain must make the ball slippery as it is kicked out of bounds many times during the game.
The Royals almost make their first goal again thirty minutes into the game, but the ball is headbutted out by the Blues goalie. Another attempt is made soon after, but the ball hits the ground directly in front of the goal and hits the post straight up. Capilano tries to make it even by attempting a goal but Goalie Felipe Domingoes makes a great save with his face. The rain has showed no signs of stopping, adding to the intensity of this game.
A beautiful pass is made by Abdul Ali to Forward Taylor Richardson but misses the net 36 minutes in. Blues retaliate by making another goal shot but kicks it over the net. Blues goalie kicks ball to midfield but it goes out of bounds. The Royals drop it and have possession for a while before it goes out of bounds again. After a couple more drops, Capilano gains control and attempts another goal hitting the post dead-on. They try again with one-minute left, but the Royals goalie catches it signaling the end of the first half.
With no goals made on either side, both teams need to give it their all in the last half to get the edge. The rain is pouring down even harder at this point which didn’t seem possible. One wonders how they can even play in these conditions, but play they do, and it is an impressive bout.
Ali tries to make the first goal two minutes in the second half, but the Blues goalie kicks is out of the net just in time. Forward Yianni Siafakas makes another attempt but the goalie catches it yet again. After going out of bounds, Capilano drops the ball and manages to keep it on the Royals side of the field for some time. Royals gain control again for awhile but after some interception the Blues bring it right back to their side. An impressive goal attempt is made again by Siafakas kicking it from the side of the net but is caught by goalie eight minutes in the second half. The rain is now falling louder than the players can yell.
Finally, after 18 minutes into the second half, the Royals get the first goal of the game kicked in by Taylor Richardson. The Royals quickly celebrate, but they know the game is not over yet and they still have a lot more play to get through. After that, Royals goalie kicks the ball out, Blues try to dominate but Royals possess it. A great tackle is made by Defense player Alejandro Varela. Capilano tries to even out the score with a goal attempt 26 minutes in but is caught by Royals goalie Domingos.
After a scuffle on the field, a yellow card is pulled for the Royals and the Blues goalie is held back in anger by another Blues player. Defense player Jaxon Bain is subbed for another Defense Jayden Basra. After some struggle for the ball and kicking it out of bounds, a goal attempt is made by Blues and there is another scuffle at the Royals net as one Capilano player falls to ground injured. Domingos is substituted for the other goalie Jacob Mcnall. Royals get penalty and Blues make their first goal of the game.
Four minutes left in the game the Blues come back with another attack. As the Royals goalie kicks out the ball the Blues take control and kicks is midfield right towards the net making the second goal in less than five minutes. Royals will have to bring it harder to even out the score.
The last few minutes of the game consist of intense kicking back and forth and some great passes. It was a great game and a great play, but ultimately, the Blues win in a 2-1 victory, despite the Royals best and passionate efforts.