The hottest apps of the week

It’s a holly, jolly, STFU

By App Man, Mobile App Aficionado

Welcome, welcome, welcome. App Man is here, to recommend YOU the best apps of the week. Each week, App Man will have an unexpected theme for you to discover and enjoy. And don’t forget! If you’ve got any cool apps to share, email App Man at

Have a holly jolly Christmas…GODDAMIT! Get that song out of App Man’s head please! As November comes to an early week of goodies, including the release of Google’s new Nexus 4 and the premiere of Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 (hey, App Man likes it), it seems like Christmas is coming sooner than ever. To make your Christmas dreams come even faster, check out these neat apps!

1. Funky Smugglers – iOS ($0.99)/Android ($0.99)

Get your fingers ready as you play an airport security guard ready to catch those vile scum smugglers! Join huge team battles where you fight for the highest scores and get into challenging randomized missions! While enjoying the funky ‘70s music, you’ll fall in love with the colourful graphics. Made by an award-winning developer, Funky Smugglers is a game you won’t want to miss even, though if it costs a dollar. 4/5

2. Angry Birds: Star Wars – iOS ($0.99)/Android (Free)

Angry Birds, Angry Birds: Seasons, Angry Birds: Space, Angry Birds: Next Top Model… With the same beloved (or hated) characters, Angry Birds: Star Wars provides nostalgia for Star Wars fans. However, it doesn’t speak the same for those who aren’t—and that includes App Man. With repetitive gameplay and similar graphics, Angry Birds: Star Wars proves that once you find a formula that works, never change it. Although that sounds very nice, it means little innovation in your creation and a whole lot of imitators to rejuvenate such success. 2/5

3. Canabalt HD – iOS ($2.99)/Android ($2.99)

Run, jump, and dodge. These are the only moves you need to know as you play through the game. But be warned; despite its simple action pads, you’ll be facing fast-paced platforms, obstacles, and enemies along your way. Enjoy the new 3D backgrounds or switch for a 2D artwork. Using only 12.22 MB for storage use, Canabalt definitely knows how to make the most out of its game, with big value for a low price. 4/5

4. SketchBook Mobile – iOS ($1.99)/Android ($1.94)

A professional-grade paint and drawing app, SketchBook Mobile offers you a full set of sketching tools and a convenient UI. Use your time on the bus to create your beautiful drawings and designs. Not only that, but you can use your app on tablets as well, giving you a whole new field of creativity in motion. 4/5

5. Appy Geek – Free for iOS/Android

Love technology? Are you always on your game with tech news but too busy to find them all? Appy Geek provides all the geek news you need to know in one app. From sources including TechRadar, T3 Magazine, The Next Web, the controversial Gizmodo, and more, you’ll be able to stay in touch with your inner geekiness. You can also choose what news you want to be delivered to you, allowing you to sort through junk. App Man found Appy Geek to be useful, informative, and geeky! 4/5

Disclaimer: App Man is not responsible for failed classes, your exes, gaming addiction, or thumb muscle problems. With great apps, comes great responsibility.