Everyone should check on their mental health

When was the last time you went to see a psychologist?

By Tania Arora, Staff Writer


After twenty-three years of existence, studying and practicing in the areas of communication, public speaking, business, marketing, and public relations—I still often fumble, run out of words, bail out, blatantly lie, or stay quiet when it comes to expressing my feelings. My parents still struggle to understand this aspect of me. Friends misunderstand me, and over the years I have practiced the art of ignorance when it comes to what people might think of me or my actions because I cannot explain it to them.

If you are facing something like this, let me tell you that it is completely normal.

Be it youth, kids, adults, or old folks—at this point, almost every other person has a gym membership or involvement in recreational activity. We tend to invest so much in improving our physical health and appearance. But out of the seven billion people on this planet, how many can say that they have the same level of concern for their mental health? How many of us pay regular visits to a psychologist, or even sit and talk our heart out to someone close to us?

Almost every single person today has some type of mental issue or insecurity. We drag ourselves out to the gym, yoga, or sports, and we need to be concerned about our mental well-being in the same way. If you are facing one of the following issues, it must be made a matter of concern for you to check on your mental well-being.

Sit and do absolutely nothing for hours: we are not talking about procrastination here. If you find yourself sitting or lying somewhere without any purpose, staring at walls, and doing or thinking nothing for hours on a regular basis, then you, my friend, must do something about it.

You may be scared of people: cancelling on plans once in a while is fine, but if you have a tendency to do that every time because you feel scared of talking to people or meeting them in a social gathering, being judged, teased or anything else, you must work on it and analyze the reason behind it.

I’ve known people that are afraid of living alone, too scared to do anything in life by themselves. They need someone by their side every time they go out, travel, watch a movie, sleep, walk, and talk. I agree that people need someone to talk to, but it’s important to have and appreciate time to yourself, watching a movie alone, traveling alone, or even sleeping alone.

A big issue is expressing your feelings. If you do not talk it out, it is going to build inside you and might explode one day at the wrong time and in front of the wrong person, who you did not want to hurt. There is no point in gathering and holding any kind of feelings you have for someone. Say it and get done with it.