Program Spotlight: In plain sight

Print Futures: Professional Writing

By Monica Rolinski, Contributor

We are an integral part of the activities and general career excitement at Douglas College’s New Westminster campus. We’ve been around for 21 years. You may have spotted us in the hallway entering the secret code on the finger pad that stands guard over the inner sanctum of our workroom. Also known as the clubhouse, it’s cool to have, but it’d be cooler if it was a tree house or a bubble dome or something. You’ve probably even shuffled along with some of us in lineups for coffee, food, books, or the free stuff we sometimes get in the concourse.

We’ve sold chocolates, held bake sales, and hosted a variety of other fundraising events, and we will continue to do these things. One of our most popular fundraising efforts takes place during some of the DSU pub nights. At these events you will most often see us smiling, chatting, and generally have a great time as we check your coats and bags for you. It’s by donation, and we thank you so much.

You may even have stumbled into one of our yearly portfolio shows. These shows belong to our graduates in a lot of ways. We get to create, design, and showcase the fruits of two years of intensive labour. The portfolio show is held in the Amelia Douglas Gallery at the New Westminster Campus; it’s usually held in April, and is a must-see for the friends and family of this program’s grads.

Do you know who we are yet? You’ve probably guessed by now. We’re the Print Futures: Professional Writing students. And, yes, our portfolio show is the place to be in April.

A lot of us are involved in many projects at Douglas College. Our efforts are reflected in so many ways and in places that might surprise you. Examples of how and where we’ve left our mark on this great college would help, so I’ll gather some up, get permissions, and present them in a few weeks right here in The Other Press. Keep an eye out!