‘We thank Facebook for thinking of us,’ says couple
By Sophie Isbister, Relationship Editor
Sandy Vine, 20, and George Chan, 22, are making waves in the halls of Douglas College over the controversial nature of their relationship. The couple, who have been together for almost eight months now, have come out as “Complicated.”
Friends of the couple say that early Sunday morning, Vine changed her relationship status on the social media website Facebook to “In a Complicated Relationship.” Later that day, Chan and Vine’s pages both reflected the reciprocal nature of their Complicated Relationship. The Other Press caught up with Vine to discuss what it means to blaze trails on campus for others who are in a complicated relationship, but may be too shy to come out about it.
“It just feels so good to finally be out in the open about it,” says Vine, a 20-year-old resident of New Westminster and a Marketing student at the college. Vine expresses a desire to educate people on the realities of Complicated Relationships, and hopes that by speaking out she can break the silence surrounding this oft-maligned minority of couples.
“After about the third time we broke up and got back together two days later, Georgie and I finally had to sit down and really decide if our relationship was complicated or if we should just end it once and for all,” Vine says. She adds: “I’m happy we decided to stay together, and to open up about the nature of our relationship. We’re complicated and proud!”
Friends of the couple weren’t surprised to hear this type of announcement from Vine and Chan. “It was getting to be a little bit confusing,” says Robert Calderson, friend of Chan. “It was hard to figure out if they were going to be together or not by the weekend. It made it very difficult to plan parties or group outings. I’m glad they’re out in the open about it.”
Maisie Dickens, 19, who describes herself as Vine’s ‘bestie,’ says she is happy for her friend and hopes that their Complicated Relationship will be strong enough to weather the stigma attached to their type of union. “Sandy has always walked to the beat of her own drum,” Dickens tells us, adding that in high school the bubbly and popular girl was often in relationships that seemed as though they may be more complicated than not.
Both students hope they can serve as an example for others in similar situations. Chan tells The Other Press, “I love Sandy, but there is just something so complicated about us being together. Like the constant arguing and bickering. It probably won’t stop now that we’ve come out as Complicated, but at least now we know where we stand.”
At press time, there has been no word on how the parents of the couple are taking the news, but there have been reports of hand-wringing, and Chan’s mother may have been overheard saying, “Kids these days.” The couple is considering starting a support group for other students in Complicated Relationships.