It is important to help others the rest of the year too
By Lauren Paulsen, Senior Columnist
Christmas is the time of the year when everyone focuses on giving. Many people donate to charities and help those less fortunate than themselves, because a big part of Christmas is giving to other people. It is a wonderful part of the holiday, but giving to others shouldn’t be something that is limited to this time of year.
Christmas reminds us to give to others, but we should keep this mindset throughout the entire year. It is not just during the month of December that people are in need. Yes, we want to give those less fortunate something nice for the holidays, but we need to think of them during the rest of the year as well. It is also important to help the special people in your life: your friends and family.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a lot of money or material possessions. Helping others can be in the form of donating your time to a cause you believe in, or even helping a friend move. Maybe someone needs an ear to listen. Helping others can take many forms.
Giving to others needs to be something we remember all year round, and not just focus on during the holidays. When Christmas is over, remind yourself that people still need help, and that you can give it. Altruism is a wonderful trait, and if everyone remembered that it’s in them, then the world would be just that little bit nicer for us all to live in.