Community engagement through sports
By Colten Kamlade, Staff Reporter
Coquitlam in Bloom has just released a list of initiatives focused on sports in the community just in time for the spring.
Coquitlam in Bloom is a non-profit organization that is focused on improving the city through work within the community. According to their website, this includes helping to develop civic pride, environmental responsibility, and beautification of the city.
This year, Coquitlam in Bloom will be focusing on fostering participation in sports. The first Spotlight on Sports event was hosted March 6 and was a kickoff event for local sporting associations. Some upcoming events to look out for are the sports fair, the speaker series, adopt-a-bench program, and the community sport volunteer workshops.
According to the City of Coquitlam website, the sports fair will “give members of the public an opportunity to try out a variety of sports—all in one location.” The speaker series will be an event at which those involved in sports can “discuss community sport trends and issues.” The adopt-a-bench program allows residents to help keep dugouts or spectators stands “free of litter and graffiti, while reporting any hazards or signs of vandalism.”
At the community sport volunteer workshops, attendees will be given “tips involving everything from recruitment and retention to recognition.” There are also opportunities to volunteer at Town Centre Park, where some of the activities will take place. According to the Coquitlam in Bloom website, volunteers will help “create a positive experience for all by answering questions at an information booth, and guiding users through the use of a park map and information sheet.”
In 2016, Coquitlam in Bloom won the national over 50,00o population category of the civic pride and beautification competition. In 2017, Coquitlam took second place. That year the city also received recognition for its tree risk management on Burke Mountain.
Even if you aren’t taking part in the Spotlight on Sports, you can still help your city. The Coquitlam in Bloom webpage suggests helping beautify the places you live by planting gardens or cleaning up litter. It also suggests joining a Bad Seed weed pull to help prevent the spread of invasive species.