My thoughts on this year’s campaign advertisements
By Jerrison Oracion, Senior Columnist
The Federal Election this year is underway, and the party leaders are releasing advertisements to convince viewers why they should be chosen to form government. These ads are very informative and visually dazzling, and they focus more on the major issues in the election than the controversies, such as Trudeau’s. Here is my analysis of the election ads this year.
The Liberal Party released a few ads that talk about their commitment to the environment. Trudeau talked about the initiatives that they did in the past four years, including agreeing to the UN agreement on banning single-use plastics, investing in green energy, putting a price on pollution, and protecting the oceans. He also says that their environment plan is not perfect—referencing the Kinder Morgan pipeline. There are also some ads that show that Trudeau is just like everyday people. In the ads, we see him on public transportation, going up the Grouse Grind, or sitting at a kitchen table talking about the middle-class tax cut. It is a heartwarming ad and makes Trudeau look like he is a father figure. He is seems like the type of person that you can have a conversation with, and he is very friendly. When he talks about what the Conservative Party will do with taxes, he sounds convincing and honest.
The Conservative Party’s ads have the same message of everyone being frustrated about life in the country and what they will do if they win the election this year. The plans that they announced in the ad include a universal tax cut, removing the carbon tax in home heating bills, and implementing tax credits for using green energy. The plans that they announced are like the policies that were made when Stephen Harper was the Prime Minister. Like Harper, Andrew Scheer looks stiff and sounds scripted. Also, him still being not as friendly as the other party leaders does not help.
The pre-election ad that the NDP released is the only ad that they released so far. But the version of the ad that is shown in Québec is more interesting because the it is a response to the Québec government passing a bill that bans religious symbols from being worn in government workplaces. We see Jagmeet Singh with his long hair without his turban, him and his wife, him kickboxing, Singh riding his bike. The ad looks epic, and it shows that he could be a game changer in the election.
The Green Party released three ads, and I think they are better than the ads that they made in past elections because it shows that Elizabeth May and the rest of the party are serious about this election. One of the ads show them talking about the Green Party not just focusing on the environment—they also focus on progressive social policies and transparency.
The People’s Party of Canada still have not released their ads yet. At least Maxime Bernier was in the debates. There is a week left in the Federal Election this year and with anyone possibly winning it this year, these ads could help you decide who to vote for.