Listed: Top 10 things people hate to watch online

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A helpful list for any aspiring content creator

By Brittney MacDonald, Life & Style Editor


Are you looking to supplement your poor student income with a little online AdSense? Well good for you! However, be warned—there might be a little more to it than meets the eye. As someone who is a great lover of most available online content sources, I have scoured the internet for genres and trends that people just can’t stand to watch anymore. Why, you may ask? Because I am dedicated to helping you!

  1. React videos
  2. “Prank” videos—emphasis added because most of these are staged
  3. Videogame streamers who don’t talk
  4. Teaser clips for paid or upcoming content
  5. Rage-quitters
  6. Confession videos
  7. Clickbait titles
  8. Streamers on their phone
  9. Shock videos—a common example are people or animals getting hurt
  10. Insult/rant content