Monty Robinson was accused of perjury in Dziekanski-taser case
By Angela Espinoza, News Editor
On March 20, Monty Robinson was reported guilty of perjury in the Robert Dziekanski case.
Robinson is the second RCMP officer to be found guilty of perjury, following Kwesi Millington’s conviction on February 20. However, unlike Millington, Robinson is a former officer, having left the RCMP in the time since Dziekanski’s death.
Robinson and Millington were previously on trial with two other officers for the taser incident, which resulted in Dziekanski’s death at the Vancouver International Airport in 2007.
Millington is still awaiting sentencing, while another officer, Bill Bentley, was found not guilty of perjury in July 2013. However, Bentley’s case has reportedly been sought to be re-opened, as all four officers—the last being Gerry Rundel—have been accused of having conspired during their previous and separate trial years before.
“I agree with the Crown that [Robinson] had a direct motive to exaggerate the threat posed by Mr. Dziekanski and to justify the response to that threat,” said Supreme Court Judge Nathan Smith during the trial, according to the Canadian Press.