A metal playlist for the end of days
By Caroline Ho, Arts Editor
Last week’s tsunami scare probably prompted a few of you to reassess your emergency preparedness, especially right after Hawaii’s nuclear non-incident. Take stock of your first aid kids, ready your escape plans, and—most importantly of all—load up your epic heavy metal playlists so you’ve got a good soundtrack for the end of days. When the apocalypse comes, what better way to psych yourself up than with some appropriately gritty metal?
Disturbed, “Indestructible” (2008)
Technically a song about war, it can also be interpreted as an anthem generally about survival and defiance in the face of opposition. Disturbed’s solidly pounding riffs and vocalist David Draiman’s melodic, rapidly-delivered lyrics are sure to convince you that you, too, are indestructible, determined to face annihilation head-on and show it exactly who is boss. For bonus pep, check out the music video to revel in the stark scenery and cheer on the superhuman characters ready to duke it out.
Five Finger Death Punch, “Burn MF” (2013)
This one’s actually more of an angry failed relationship (familial, romantic, or otherwise) song, but it definitely has enough raw anger in it to power you through some hard times; its sheer aggression will hype you up for anything. I’ve blasted this track on repeat to keep myself energized through some frantic, late-night paper-writing, which is as comparable a situation to impending doom as any. Having “Burn motherfucker, burn motherfucker, burn” growled and screamed in your ear? That’s definitely how I want to go out.
Trivium, “Incineration: The Broken World” (2013)
The entire Vengeance Falls album is awesomely apt for the whole end-of-the-world atmosphere, featuring song titles such as “Through Blood and Dirt and Bone” and “Wake [The End is Nigh],” but “Incineration: The Broken World” is especially powerful. With a length of 5:52, bolstered by blistering drums, some driving guitar riffs, and a tasteful balance of screams and bitterly soulful verses, it’s one of those songs that will keep you on your toes.
Breaking Benjamin, “Until the End” (2006)
Considerably less heavy than the rest of this list, “Until the End” is a more melodious tune about facing the conclusion of a period of one’s life—or life itself, if you want. The song reminds us, through swift, rhythmic guitar triplets and frontman Ben Burnley’s fluid, impassioned vocals, that, rather than just resigning ourselves to defeat, we might as well keep pushing on. Even if you can’t beat an imminent disaster, you can still face it with an attitude of determination. The lyrics end with the resolute promise of: “The final fight I win/but I will go on until the end.