‘Saints Row IV: Re-Elected’ and ‘Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell’ PS4 games review
By Steven Cayer, Senior Columnist
The Saints Row series has always been known for being a much wackier, humorous version of Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row IV has been released again, this time on next-gen consoles, called Saints Row IV: Re-Elected.
In the game, you play as a customizable character who becomes the president of the United States after you foil the plans of Cyrus Temple, who tries to nuke Washington, DC. Five years later, aliens come down and kidnap the Saints in their ship, destroying Earth in their wake. The leader, Zinyak, creates a virtual world where you need to find and rescue your friends.
I love this series for many reasons. I never know where the story will go because it’s so absurd. One moment you’re escaping an alien ship and the next moment you’re in a ‘50s-themed small town where you can’t say *beep*. The comedic writing is smart and poignant throughout, and I had fun going back to Steelport. My favourite thing about the re-release is, of course, the new stuff.
Gat Out of Hell is a standalone game that’s included, which is based on my favourite character in the series, Johnny Gat. After becoming the US president and creating so much chaos in Saints Row IV, Satan has decided that you’re the perfect person to marry his daughter, Jezebel. You then get sucked into Hell by a Ouija board, and Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington jump in to save you. You now control them as they meet awesome people such as Blackbeard, Shakespeare as a DJ, Vlad the Impaler, and the DeWinter twins from previous games to help them save the president of the United States. I love how the one objective in this game is to punch Satan in the face.
If you’ve already played Saints Row IV, I still believe it’s worth buying again, including Gat Out of Hell of course. It’s time to literally escape reality, again.