Here are some proposed mascots for our local college’s paper
By Craig Allan, Staff Writer
The Other Press (OP) has been around for almost 45 years yet it has never had a mascot. If Douglas College can introduce a crest, then the OP can introduce a mascot.

Climbus the Flight of Stairs
Climbus is three steps with anamorphic legs and arms and a big smile. He represents the arduous climbs up the stairs that all Douglas students need to make to get to class at either campus. Always out of breath, this mascot could always use a good place to sit down. Unfortunately, when you are the stairs, there aren’t too many other places.

Tom the Unlucky Donut
Somewhat fresh from the cafeteria comes Tom the Unlucky Donut. Tom represents all the food from the cafeteria, which looks just like a Tim Horton’s donut, but tastes like a subpar knock off of the real thing. He also has some other friends like Osloo the Triple O burger, and Pizzi the Pizza Pizza slice. They all come together under the banner of being “good enough!”

Dormer the Window Ghost
This is not really a mascot, but a cruel joke. For you see this mascot only lives in legend. It is rumoured that somewhere on the Douglas College New Westminster campus lies a classroom in which the windows look to the outside! Many know there are windows at the New West campus. They can see them from the outside. Yet no one has ever been in a classroom with windows. Dormer will haunt you. You’ll enter a classroom with a window and think you are seeing the outside, only to realize that it is looking out onto the atrium. The promise of natural light is dashed by the Dormer mirage.
The Devil
No spin here, this is just the Devil. With The OP’s office being located so deep in the bowels of the school, who wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Beelzebub himself is the mascot? If we make a bad pitch, he’ll get us with his pitchfork. He is not a fun mascot.
Questiony the Question Mark
Everybody already seems to know his famous catch-phrase—“wait, who?”