Flip-flops are the absolute worst
By Jessica Berget, Opinions Editor
Flip-flops or thongs are the summer footwear of choice for many people. I can understand why—to an extent. Yes, they’re easy to slip on, great for walking on the beach or small distances, and super casual. However, this flimsy footwear is not as great at it first appears. If you ask me, they are the most unreliable shoe ever made, if you could even consider that sad piece of rubber and plastic a shoe. I would rather walk barefoot through fire than to have one even touch my foot.
First of all, they make the worst sound when walking with them. The constant flip-flopping sound that gives them their cursed name when you walk in them may be satisfying to some, but to me and possibly many others it is massively irritating.
I also hate the way the feel when you wear them. They feel gross no matter how clean they may be. I find they tend to get dirty easily, which as a consequence makes my feet feel dirty and dry, causing them to be all the more uncomfortable. Moreover, the piece of plastic that goes between your toes constantly digs into the webs of your toes, making it painful to walk around in. Flip-flops also provide no security whatsoever for your feet and leave them exposed to all elements so walking around in them in public can make your feet susceptible to all sorts of spills, dirt, or waste materials—and believe me, you don’t want to step in any sort of waste in flip-flops.
They provide none of the safety or comfort that other sandals or shoes do. They might be good for romping around the house or at the beach but otherwise they are not dependable whatsoever. Flip-flops are also not good for your feet. They provide no arch or heel support, protection, or shock absorption and they fall off and break way too easily. I like to feel a sense of protection in my shoes, and flip flops provide nothing but an uncomfortably casual appearance and blisters. Many claim that they’re more comfortable to wear in the hot heat of summer, but when it’s 40 above I don’t think footwear makes much of a difference. Finally, in a moment of desperation they are the worst if you have to run anywhere. In my opinion, they might as well be called flops because of how poorly they are designed.
These pathetic examples of footwear should not be accepted. Flip-flops may be cheap and convenient, but they are also gross, unsafe, and unsanitary. Do yourself a favour and get some real sandals instead of these cheap plastic hazards.