Intoxicating love

Illustration by Ed Appleby
Illustration by Ed Appleby

Cocktails to make your Valentine

By Brittney MacDonald, Life & Style Editor

Looking to put out something a little extra this Valentine’s Day? Sick of cooking the same old romantic dinner that you do every year? Not to worry, I got you covered. Wow your date with a special love-themed cocktail that they’re sure to appreciate. These five cocktails are simple enough for even the most culinary challenged, but pretty and tasty enough to ensure you get your just desserts!


The Chocolate Raspberry Kiss

3 chocolate wafer cookies (crushed)

10 raspberries

2 oz. vodka

1 oz. cranberry juice

Ice cubes


Rim a martini glass with the crushed cookies.

Muddle the raspberries in a cocktail shaker before adding both the cranberry juice and the vodka.

Fill the rest of the shaker with ice before shaking until sufficiently chilled.

Strain into the prepared martini glass and serve with a twill of shaved chocolate.


The Sex Machine

2 tbsp red current purée (this is easy to buy or make)

Chilled champagne


Scoop the red current purée into the base of a champagne flute.

Fill the flute with the chilled champagne, do not stir.


Lavender Love

½ cup sugar

½ cup water

1 tbsp dried lavender

4 bottles of chilled sparkling white wine

Fresh lavender sprigs (optional)


Bring sugar and water to a boil in a saucepan, stirring frequently till all the sugar is dissolved.

Add dried lavender, then turn off the heat, allowing the mixture to cool completely.

Strain out the lavender, and refrigerate the sweet mixture until it is time to serve.

Combine 6 oz. wine and ¼ oz. of the mixture in a champagne flute.

Garnish with a fresh sprig of lavender.


Cherry Bomb

6 oz. grenadine

2 cups water

2 oz. vodka

Soda water

3 maraschino cherries


The night before, combine the grenadine and water in a sauce pan.

Bring that to a boil before pouring it over an ice cube tray. Let freeze overnight.

The next day, fill a glass with the grenadine ice cubes and pour the vodka over top.

Fill the rest of the glass with soda water and garnish with the cherries.


Romeo and Juliet

1 ½ oz. silver tequila

½ oz. Grand Marnier

¼ oz. Chambord raspberry liquor

2 oz. peach juice


In a cocktail shaker, combine the tequila, Grand Marnier, Chambord, and peach juice.

Shake until evenly mixed and then pour into a glass.

For a fun twist add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a splash of chocolate schnapps.

Date not a fan of tequila? Substitute it for vodka or mescal.