By Chandler Walter, Editor-in-Chief
On behalf of all my lovely writers, editors, production teamsters, and everyone else making this newspaper possible, I’d like to welcome you, sweet reader, back into Douglas College’s loving embrace.
Yeah, it kinda sucks that Reading Break is over, hey?
While you were all spending your precious time off with noses firmly placed between the pages of textbooks, the Other Press also enjoyed a short break from our usual weekly print schedule—though that’s not to say we weren’t busy.
During the break, the Other Press board got together to discuss the future of the paper, and what further changes we would like to see implemented once everyone returned back from the break.
So, in classic Editor-in-Chief fashion, I’m going to explain those changes in this short article, rather than actually coming up with anything creative or original as my Lettitor for the week.
Speaking of creative writing, one of the major changes we’ve made is the addition of a creative writing section! For the time being, it will only be one page long, but we will be accepting creative writing submissions (be it poetry, short stories, or even original artwork) to feature every week. The section could possibly expand to two pages down the line, depending on the amount of work submitted. Just make sure stories are no more than 1,500 words long.
We will be reading each any every piece sent in, and our fine editors will choose what works to feature. Don’t fret if your story wasn’t picked on the same week it was submitted, as we may choose to publish it at a later date.
Anyone hoping to have their work in our paper can send it (in a Word doc, please and thank you) to myself and/or Rebecca Peterson, my trusty Assistant Editor. Emails can be found down below.
Further changes include a revival of the Sports Section as one page in News—our News Editor Jake Wray has written an article all about it that can be found a few pages in.
Finally, we’ve decided to include a Sudoku puzzle and a crossword on our last page, which is very exciting for a few reasons. One being that we’re not just copying an online crossword from some site on the internet (though we are guilty of that for the Sudoku, but come on, it’s just numbers), we are instead creating it in-house, meaning that the clues and answers will have to do with students, Douglas College, New Westminster, and other things quite close to home.
Given that the 24/hour is no longer in publication—and we all know that those crosswords were way easier than Metro’s—we’re hoping we can help in filling that void.
So, basically, send in your creative writing, enjoy the return of Sports, and good luck on those puzzles!