The video game war rages on

PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U compete for video game supremacy

By Steven Cayer, Senior Columnist

The video game war is a war that not many people know about. Itā€™s been raging on for decades now and it shows no signs of stopping. After all, competition is what gaming is all about. This time, itā€™s between the PS4, Xbox One, and the Wii U. Iā€™m going to try and describe each new system as best I can, while maybe determining the reigning champion of this next-generation video game war.

First off, the PS4 looks sleek and sexy in black. The controller feels great in my hands with new triggers and even a touchpad in the centre. It also has a ā€œshareā€ button thatā€™s always recording gameplay so you can share what youā€™ve done with your PlayStation Network friends, with one click of the button. The menu screen is completely different from its predecessorā€™s, making everything even more convenient to access. Two of the PS4ā€™s launch games, Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack, have their perks and minor flaws, but I wonā€™t be going into detail about them. Itā€™s the games coming out next spring that Iā€™m thinking about, such as Watch Dogs, Infamous: Second Son, and Tom Clancyā€™s the Division. These look incredible. The PS4 also offers an additional camera not unlike the Kinect from Xbox One.

The Xbox One rolled out a week before the PS4, and it has better-looking launch games such as Ryse: Son of Rome, Dead Rising 3, Forza Motorsport 5, and Killer Instinct. All of those games look epic. Apart from a slimmer battery pack, the controller is basically the same as the previous one. The new and improved Kinect comes with the new system and is a huge improvement. It can sense up to six people and has enabled facial recognition to sign in. The system focusses on being an all-in-one entertainment outlet with a multi-screen option and a whole bunch of other options. Still, these extra functions are just not my cup of tea. I play games and only games on my gaming systems.

Finally, we come to the Wii U. Yes, I know it came out a while ago, but itā€™s still coming out with amazing games like Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Super Mario 3-D World. And thatā€™s all Iā€™m going to say about that. Keep on trucking, Wii U.

Iā€™m guessing you might already know where my loyalties lie. You may be tempted by Xboxā€™s superior selection, but I suggest Sony over Microsoft this time around. The PS4 games look weak now, but in a couple months, itā€™ll be the best console on the shelves. I canā€™t wait.