Vodka: the candy approach

By Allie Davison, Staff writer

Vodka has been my beverage of choice since I started drinking. Sure, I’ve had phases with other flavours of the month, but I would always go back to ol’ faithful: vodka. Over the years, I’ve experimented with different brands, different mixers, and different flavours. So far my favourite vodka delicacy is candy vodka. How can vodka, a liquid, be candy? Excellent question, my friends. Here’s your answer.

The classic: Jell-O Shots

Jell-O shots have been my go-to party favour for many years, and for good reason! They are easy to make, delicious, and a sure-fire way to get you hammered. Here’s my recipe:

1 x box of Jell-O (any flavour will do)

1 x vodka (750 ml or 375 ml; and if you’re feeling adventurous, try a flavoured variety)

1 x cup of boiling water

For the first step, just follow the directions on the box of Jell-O: Add the one cup of boiling water to the Jell-Opowder, and then stir until the powder dissolves.

Here’s when the vodka comes in. Add a cup of cold vodka to the Jell-Omixture, then refrigerate. It generally takes these bad boys about four or five hours to harden, but I usually make them the night before just to be sure. As for the presentation, you can either pour a small amount of the Jell-O/vodka mixture into individual shot glasses—Dixie cups have worked in the past—or wait until the Jell-Ohas hardened and then scoop into the cups. I prefer the latter; it’s less messy and easier to do (also, you can eat any Jell-Oleft over the in bowl!).

Circa 2009: Skittles Vodka

Skittles vodka was a bit of a roller coaster of tastes. When doing a shot, first you’d taste the rainbow, but then you’d be left with harsh burn of reality, stuck in the back of your throat. Even though it has the vodka burn that we all know and love, Skittles vodka is still a fun party trip to whip out on special occasions.

1 x 750 ml bottle of vodka

A couple jars (depending on how many flavours of skittles vodka you want)

1 x big bag of skittles


Measuring cups

First, separate the Skittles into the different flavours. Next, fill your jars evenly with vodka. Add the individual skittles colour to each jar and shake ‘em up. Next, leave the Skittles for 24 hours (or until dissolved), and you’re set! Shake again before serving, and enjoy.

The gummy addition: Vodka Bears

This is my latest vodka experiment. I heard about it from a friend and knew I had to try it myself: vodka gummy bears. Question: what could go wrong? Answer: nothing. They were great! They were delicious and got the job done. Enjoy!

1 x big bag of gummy bears

1 x 750 ml bottle of vodka

So easy! Just put the gummy bears in a bowl, and pour the vodka on top. Ensure that the vodka is covering the bears, and then cover the bowl and refrigerate for four to five days. Those top bears will drink up the vodka pretty quickly, so I recommend stirring them up so they all get evenly drunk! Yum!