Real life 12 years in the making


‘Boyhood’ review

By Steven Cayer, Senior Columnist


Today’s moviegoers typically see a movie to escape reality, but director and writer Richard Linklater presents a thought-provoking film about reality and a young boy growing up in it, along with everything that goes with it, in Boyhood. Reviewing this film is like trying to talk about life itself: you know exactly what it is, but it’s just too broad to describe.

The genius part is Linklater filmed the movie in 39 days over 12 years, having the same cast throughout the movie aging over the years. At staggered times throughout the 12 years, they would gather together and film a moment in the life of Mason Jr. They had to write the script year by year, sometimes even putting the scenes together the night before filming. The cast includes Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, and Lorelei Linklater, who is the director’s daughter.

As I was watching this film, I couldn’t help but feel like I was watching a real family. I guess it’s because there’s absolutely nothing like this film’s style—it was a big risk that really paid off. Whether it was the realistic script, the amazing acting, or the gutsy directing, Linklater has carved his own path in the movie industry with what I believe is the most important movie this year.