Behind ‘Bard of the Bronx’


An interview with director Kathleen Duborg

By Cheryl Minns, Arts Editor

The Douglas College theatre program presents its second production of the semester, Bard of the Bronx: John Patrick Shanley in Perspective. The play features scenes from Shanley’s notable works, including Moonstruck, Danny and the Deep Blue Sea, Women of Manhattan, Doubt: A Parable, Italian American Reconciliation, and Savage in Limbo.

The Other Press spoke with visiting director Kathleen Duborg about the play and her experience directing her first Douglas College production.


Q: What can you tell us about these particular works from John Patrick Shanley?

A: There are differences in all of them. We start with one of Shanley’s early plays, Savage in Limbo, which is a rather bizarre, surrealistic script that he wrote in 1984. Then there’s the Pulitzer prize-winning Doubt. It’s a very different style that he’s writing in that one, so it’s absolutely terrific to see that development, and change, and subtlety. Danny and the Deep Blue Sea is an incredible play, and probably his most produced play after Doubt. It’s an early one with such phenomenal characters.


Q: Bard of the Bronx is an anthology play that consists of multiple stories instead of one linear plot. How do you think this play choice affects the actors?

A: Oftentimes, a number of actors cannot be featured as much because there are often only one or two protagonists. In this instance, what we get is 15 characters, all with really full, intensive journeys and needs that an actor gets to play out. That doesn’t always happen for a cast or a grouping of that many people. We’ve got eight actors and 15 characters, so it’s that balance of things.


Q: What is it like directing your first Douglas College play?

A: It is fabulous. It’s a really lovely group of people. What’s really nice is you’re coming into an institution that has a very active, full, and dynamic stagecraft department where they’re utilizing all those design elements. It’s got students in all areas and great professionals and mentors to help bring the world, which these students are going into, into a sharper view for them in the professional sense.


Q: What do you think Douglas College students will take away from this production?

A: My hope is that they see the craft and hard work put into it.


Bard of the Bronx: John Patrick Shanley in Perspective will be running November 13–20 in the Laura C. Muir Performing Arts Theatre at the Douglas College New Westminster campus.

Tickets are $20 each ($10 for students) and are available through Tickets New West at