Perhaps writing a descriptive or narrative story about Halloween to express your wild imagination is more your style; it’s a creative way to craft your scariest stories using a terrifying plot and eerie atmosphere.
Arts, writing and food make for a fun, spooky time!
By Win Pyae Pyae Phyo (Hazel), Contributor
We are well into October and Halloween is only a few days away! This spooky holiday is a great opportunity to be visionary, creative, and live in imagination for a night. For other folks, though, the horror and extroverted energy associated with Halloween might be overwhelming. Here are some of my suggestions for how to have a fantastic Halloween while remaining introvert-friendly!
To start with, watching Halloween movies at night is a perfect way to set up the Halloween spirit. A Halloween movie night with candlelight, quietness, and popcorn can be an ideal combination. I highly recommend Halloween movies that are family-friendly yet, quite thrilling and that ultimately give you chills and tension. Coraline is one of my all-time favourite movies and is especially great for a spooky occasion like this. Coraline is also intriguingly eerie; it maintains an intense, terrifying ambiance throughout the film, particularly with the buttoned eyes.
You could also just watch a Halloween documentary if that’s more your style! However, you may decide that you don’t want to celebrate the occasion and instead want to watch reruns of your preferred sitcom with wine and popcorn. Whatever works for you!
You can enjoy your holiday by making arts & crafts. Many introverts use artistic activities to fill their time as a relaxing but creative hobby. You can draw or paint Halloween-themed characters such as zombies, skeletons, monsters, vampires, and wizards. Maybe make a Halloween journal with ghoulish stickers and doodling. For introverts who adore makeup or fashion, costume parties or Halloween theme makeovers can be a hit. Perhaps writing a descriptive or narrative story about Halloween to express your wild imagination is more your style; it’s a creative way to craft your scariest stories using a terrifying plot and eerie atmosphere.
Thirdly, bake or cook spooky Halloween treats or make decorations! You can have so much fun crafting Halloween theme-related designs while making food. Happiness is always enhanced by the feeling of satisfaction gained from seeing your artistic dish. You can expand your horizons by preparing and showcasing your various ideas for your holiday meal.
When it comes to crafts, you can start a pumpkin carving party! Carving a pumpkin allows you to have a low-key and imaginative Halloween celebration. Invite your best pals over to carve pumpkins while listening to Halloween music.
If any of these plans don’t seem ideal to you, maybe you can pamper yourself. Pampering yourself is not only a fantastic way to recharge and rejuvenate, but it’s also an essential part of keeping physically and mentally healthy during a holiday time like this. Take care of your inner and outer self in whichever ways suit you best.
Nonetheless, as with every other holiday, cherish the traditions or have fun making your own. Celebrate in a way that feels comfortable and right to you. On a final note, I witch you a Happy Halloween!