Does the world still need feminism?

Of course it doesā€”but you already knew that.

Sorry to kill the suspense right out of the gate here. In most cases, the writerā€™s supposed to make it past the first sentence before spelling the answer out for everyone. I couldnā€™t let people believe I actually thought anything different, though. You see, Iā€™ve been pining and procrastinating over what the headline should read for my feminism-centric Lettitor. I usually save the title until the end and write something like ā€œINSERT AMAZING, COOL ONE-LINER HEREā€ while I conjure the rest of my article but the more I wrote about the topic, the more pressing a headline became.

Iā€™m a feminist. I believe in equality between men and women; Iā€™m against the way misogyny has found its way into our daily lexicons, even in the slightest of ways; and I interpret whenever someone says ā€œthatā€™s just the way things areā€ as ā€œIā€™m just too lazy to think any differently.ā€ None of these are radical beliefs by any means and yet, despite their commonality, I still meet people who are afraid of bearing the feminist moniker. Unfortunately, I was one of those people until about a year and a half ago: someone who needed to follow up ā€œIā€™m a feministā€ with a conditional ā€œbut…,ā€ afraid that people might misinterpret my views for something I had to justify. Thank God that patriarchal hiccup is over with.

So what does being a feminist entail? One of my favourite writers ever, Carleigh Baker, wrote one of my favourite features ever last semester titled ā€œWho defines feminism?ā€ Now, I could never out-word Baker, so Iā€™ll leave you to read her article for yourselves (check it out on our website!), but Iā€™ll paraphrase: the term feminist is impossible to apply on a global scale because of the huge variance for womenā€™s rights between regions. To be considered a feminist, do you have to shed every layer of misogyny? What if this leaves a woman ostracized from society, alienated from everyone she knowsā€”all in the name of matching the North American definition of feminism? Itā€™s a loaded-to-the-brim kind of question, but Iā€™m of the belief that if you think youā€™re a feminist, then you are. Itā€™s like arguing that someone isnā€™t attractive just because they donā€™t adhere to your own standards of what attractive people look like. Weā€™ll never have a universal meaning for what a feminist is and thatā€™s what makes the term so empowering.

I wasnā€™t always so open-minded about who could declare themselves as feminists. At the start of the year I remember spitballing the idea of a Lettitor calling out people I thought were ā€œlazy feministsā€; women who are against misogyny but then agree to change their last name and accept domesticity as if it were their only option. I now recognize that thereā€™s nothing wrong with either of those things, as long as itā€™s the womanā€™s choice and itā€™s not just blindly accepted.

Though my cynicism has subsided for the most part, thereā€™s still one aspect of modern feminism that I have trouble with. I would ask that you sheathe your criticisms for a moment while I take on the online feminist juggernaut, Jezebel.

Now, Iā€™m a fan of some of the work that goes onto the website, but I often find myself disagreeing with the content. My main gripe with Jezebel is the seeming obsession with trying to find sexism even where there is none; articles obsessed with being feminist just for the sake of being feminist. Take the recent dissection of Shakira for example. Because her boyfriend doesnā€™t want her doing provocative music videos with other men, this somehow warranted a 175-word write-up on the website. Sure, maybe Shakiraā€™s found herself a guy whoā€™s obsessed with controlling her sexuality, like a modern Rapunzel locked away from the world. Or maybe itā€™s called being in a relationship and respecting when your partner asks you to avoid doing something theyā€™re not comfortable with. Respect requires compromise, something Shakira seems to have recognized. To me, Jezebel is the BuzzFeed of feminism: Iā€™ll enjoy the content and find some things stimulating, but itā€™s just another pitstop on the .html highway.

Coming back to my initial question of whether the world still needs feminism: I wonā€™t even pretend that I know everything there is to know about feminism, but I believe that it most certainly does. Just because things for some women are better than they have been isnā€™t a reason to stop advocating for equality. Things like the pay gap and the double standard are still very prevalent and arenā€™t going to disappear on their own. Whether your definition of a feminist is a Womenā€™s Studies major or itā€™s a girl who pays for the guy on a first date, your work will never be over.