A mistake that should never happen in film or television
By Jessica Berget, Opinions Editor
In case you haven’t heard enough about Game of Thrones and you aren’t sick of hearing about that damn coffee cup again, consider this hot take: People are right for being outraged. I know it’s a stance that has been done to death, but it bears necessary repeating. The coffee cup and yes, the water bottle from the series finale are major mistakes that should never happen in film or television ever again.
How many other television shows or movies can you think of where there have been some production mistakes, or something left in a scene that shouldn’t have been there? Off the top of my head I can think of a few. Small mistakes in film are bound to happen and that’s totally cool. However, that coffee cup in episode four was a pretty fucking obvious mistake, and it wasn’t an isolated incident. In the series finale, there was a water bottle left in one of the final shots. Many people claim that these mistakes are a testament to how little the show’s creators care about the show. I don’t think I would go that far, but I do agree it is a disappointing and frustrating mistake to happen with what was once such a great show, which is why it should never happen again.
There is a reason most filmmakers and producers take so much care to make sure that there are absolutely no inconsistencies or mistakes in the show. It takes the audience out of the fantasy of the show and ruins the illusion, which as a viewer is incredibly frustrating. In the context of a television series whose quality has substantially degenerated with each later season, I can understand why fans are so upset about the cup.
There may have been some unnoticeable hiccups or accidents in other shows and movies but something like a coffee cup in a scene, especially in a medievalesque fantasy piece like Game of Thrones, is pretty glaring. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe that the cup made it in, given how many eyes that scene has gone through. Producers, directors, editors, or anyone else who had a part in the show—nobody noticed it.
Like I said, it is just a small mistake that was bound to happen sooner or later. However, it’s a mistake that happened not once, but twice in one season, both times with a beverage container being left in very visibly. I could understand it happening as a one-time thing, but I think twice in the same season, after all the scrutiny and backlash from the first mistake, is inexcusable.
Want another perspective on this issue? Check out “Coffee cups? In my Westeros? It’s more likely thank you think!”