What do the stars have in store for when September rolls around?
By Isabelle Orr, Entertainment Editor
Wondering what you should focus on next semester? Stop wondering! I’ve looked ahead into the cosmos to see how you should tackle the next school year.
Notoriously hot-headed, the dreaded group project is often the bane of an Aries’ existence. No matter their role in the group—leader, worker, or the one who doesn’t really pull their weight—the constant need to be in contact with others can put Aries in a confrontational state. Remember that you all need to work together to reach your goals!
Just like their bull-headed sign, Taurus hates to be cooped up in a classroom. Their need to roam free often means they are prone to skipping classes or lectures. Let’s face it—no matter how interesting the subject matter, or how hot the prof is, nobody would choose higher education over sleeping in. Avoid skipping by making friends in class and holding yourself accountable to actually show up! Your grades will thank you.
Your intuitiveness and emotional intelligence will come in handy next semester as you will be able to “feel out” good school and networking connections. Use your internal compass to put together good study groups and homework buddies, and to build a good system for helping yourself (and others)!
Your natural inclination for the limelight will propel your semester to new heights. Now is the time to join—or start?—that club you’ve been thinking about. Consider speaking to new classmates, professors, or anyone you’ve been too shy to talk to before. It’s your year!
A classic Virgo trait is striving for perfection, and in the past, Virgos have most likely worked themselves to the bone over assignments. This semester, try loosening up a little! Say yes to social gatherings, new experiences, and things you might have written off in years past. It’s all about growth!
Libras work to find balance and harmony, and what’s harder to balance than school and social life? Balancing those two spheres can often end in a huge headache. Though Libras are allergic to planning and prefer to work on the fly, try actually using those day planners that get handed out each year. It might make your semester a little easier.
Because of their unbridled passion for anything they throw themselves into, big assignments (especially research ones) seem to trip Scorpios up. This, paired with deadlines, is a recipe for disaster. When feeling overwhelmed, consider visiting professors during office hours for a helping hand.
A Sagittarius is always on the hunt for knowledge! Because of this, many a Sag is constantly in flux about their schooling goals. Trying to settle on a major or minor? If you’re not sure, try speaking to friends or advisors about your best course of action. Be sure to consider taking a semester off to make sure you know what you want.
With needle-sharp focus, Capricorn is able to blaze through schoolwork and classes without trying. But on their path, they’ve forgotten to enjoy the full college experience! Try pulling some all-nighters with your friends or look into studying abroad to break it up a little.
The healer of the zodiac, your friends will instinctively look to you for support and advice. While this is a position of power, it is also a position that can be hard to manage. Let your friends know you care about them, while making sure that you tend to your own needs—and homework—as well. Self-care, baby!
Like the two fish that represent Pisces, you many often feel torn between fantasy and reality. It may be hard not to daydream your way through classes but believe me—this will only hurt you in the long run! If staying focused seems like too much of a chore, try recording lectures or asking to go over a friend’s notes. You can do it!