Listed: the 10 things you can still look forward to in fall

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The pick-me-ups you need now that Halloween and Thanksgiving are over

By Brittney MacDonald, Life & Style Editor

Are you suffering from post-Halloween blues? Been eating candy till you were ready to pop? Well put down the sugar and the soda—it’s time to look forward to something other than Halloween and Thanksgiving. Here’s my top 10 list of things still left in fall.

  1. Pumpkin spice lattes are still a thing, and once those go away it’s straight to eggnog lattes! Isn’t life good?
  2. The leaves are still changing colour. Apparently Martha Stewart wannabes care about that kind of crap.
  3. It’s spawning season! If you live near a river or a creek you can look forward to waking up to the smell of rotting fish and the annoying call of gulls till everything dies.
  4. Everything is dead! If you have outdoor allergies this is a good thing.
  5. If you have indoor allergies, your dog/cat has probably stopped shedding and is extra fluffy with their winter coat. Extra good for petting.
  6. If you live in a remote area and used the excuse of trick-or-treaters to stock up on candy, you can now eat it—Halloween is over!
  7. No one will ask you to go hiking with them, and if they do they don’t expect you to say yes.
  8. You will not be wearing a bathing suit for the rest of the year, so making sure you have a bikini ready body is no longer a requirement in your life (if it ever was)—time to break out the cake!
  9. Daylight savings now ensures you can wake up and lay in bed not sleeping but not wanting to leave your warm cocoon for an extra hour.
  10. Fall and winter food means gravy on everything!