Local man creates stirring art installation: ‘Large Truck, Small Car Spot’

Photograph by Rebecca Peterson
Photograph by Rebecca Peterson

Critics unable to decide if man is genius or just an asshole

By Rebecca Peterson, Humour Editor

The art world was shaken to its core last weekend when a public art installation was discovered in the underground parking lot of a local movie theatre.

“We were just trying to find a place to park,” said the discoverer of the masterpiece, Michael Angelo. “I mean, we just had a little sedan, it shouldn’t have been too hard, right? But then we turned the corner and saw… well, I can’t even describe it. It has to be experienced in person.”

The “it” that Angelo referred to in his statement is an enormous Dodge Ram truck parked in a space meant for small vehicles. The area is now roped off and declared protected as a work of public art.

“Whoever did this, they’re calling him ‘Big-Car Banksy,’” said Angelo. “Or at least I’m calling him ‘Big-Car Banksy.’ And who knows, he might not even be a guy. He could be a she or a they or something. The air of mystery around the artist really adds some extra flavour to the whole thing, you know?”

While many are lauding this as a provocative piece of post-modernism, a blend of performance and industrial deco art, others are skeptical that this display counts as art at all.

“Clearly some asshole just parked his big-ass truck in a tiny-ass car spot that’s clearly labelled for tiny-ass cars,” said one witness. “These people exist, okay? I’ve got one back at my apartment complex. There’s nothing artsy about it. It’s just inconsiderate.”

Those that agree with this sentiment have begun a petition online to have the truck removed, and the owner fined (or at the very least, heavily scolded). However, SFU Fine Arts professor Iva Hack had a different take on the matter entirely.

“In many visual art disciplines, we learn to take the piece of work out of the context of the artists’ intentions,” said Hack in an editorial submitted to Vancouver Artsy Farts Weekly. “Instead, we ask questions about the work itself. Questions such as: Does it elicit an emotional reaction? Is there meaning? Is there an absence of meaning? Viewed through these lenses, regardless of whether or not the artist intended it to be so, this ill-advised parking job has now transformed into real, visceral art.

When asked how he felt about this analysis, Angelo seemed appreciative of Hack’s comments.

“I guess the best part of all this is that if it was just someone being wildly inconsiderate, now their truck is roped off and inaccessible,” Angelo said. “Whoever it was, they can’t get back to their truck without everyone watching them. It’s the ultimate walk of shame, and I think that’s just beautiful.”