Only the old

Screenshot from "Scenes from the Suburbs"
Screenshot from “Scenes from the Suburbs”

The youth are too quickly dismissed

By Natalie Serafini, Opinions Editor

Most of you reading this are likely students, and many of you, especially if youā€™re in the spring of your lifetime, may agree that youths often lack authority. Or rather, youths are perceived to be lacking in authority, expertise, and knowledge, so that others dismiss their opinions and statements with, ā€œYouā€™re so young, what do you know?ā€ or ā€œYouā€™ll change your mind when youā€™re older.ā€

As one who comfortably fits the title of ā€œyoungā€ and likes to share her opinions regardless of the audienceā€™s willingness, this is more than a little frustratingā€”and not for the petty reasons one might expect. Iā€™m in a position to think my opinions are sound and solid, but having my judgments judged in no way offends me. Instead, what frustrates is the ease with which these verdicts are belittled on the basis of my age, rather than on the actual legitimacy of my arguments. Iā€™m going to be considered young for a few more years, so Iā€™d like to dismiss the weight of these rejections, if only because I canā€™t wait five years to be taken seriously.

These suggestions that a young personā€™s opinions can and perhaps should be ignored imply that with age necessarily comes wisdom. Of course thatā€™s the understandingā€”that possessors of greying temples know how the world works in a way that is bested only by those who have achieved nirvanaā€”but itā€™s not actually the case. I need only think of the mess the world tends to be, and to consider the ages of those who are generally in positions of power to think that, while they do the best they can, the senior set donā€™t have a roadmap understanding of society and the world at large.

From the statement ā€œYouā€™ll change your mind when youā€™re olderā€ comes the implication that all senior cardholders think the same way. If we change our minds when weā€™re older, and change them predictably enough that the speaker knows weā€™ll eventually mould to their way of thinking, then assumedly the majority of older people have similar beliefs. Granted, youth tend towards liberal views, and older people towards more conservative views, but this isnā€™t true of all young people or all old people. Maybe the youth arenā€™t destined to morph into conservative butterflies as the years go on, but are a product of changing, more liberal times. Itā€™s impossible to predict whether or not someoneā€™s opinions will change, and even more so to predict how theyā€™ll change.

Being told that your beliefs and opinions are limited by youth isnā€™t just insulting for the heavy tones of condescensionā€”all itā€™s missing is a pat on the head and a ā€œNice try, kiddo.ā€ Itā€™s also insulting because it assumes that youth latch onto trendy opinions without thought. Then, it dismisses the opinion, not necessarily because of flaws in the argument, but because the arguer is too young. If Iā€™m wrong Iā€™m wrong, and if my argument is faulty then itā€™s faulty. Iā€™m always willing to listen to a counter argument and decide whether it prompts me to change my mind. I canā€™t do anything about my age. Iā€™m getting older by the minute, but by minute degrees.

While ā€œYouā€™re young, what do you know?ā€ attempts to parade supposed wisdom, itā€™s a cop out. Itā€™s an attempt to sidestep a discussion and presume supremacy without actually demonstrating supremacy. Itā€™s not much better than responding to a childā€™s question (ā€œWhy is the sky blue?ā€) with ā€œWell, itā€™s very complicated, I donā€™t think youā€™d understand.ā€

Itā€™s my job to be opinionated, and itā€™s my job to give those opinions some thought. Iā€™ll be the first to say Iā€™m not always right, as hard as I do try, but thatā€™s not the issue here. The issue is that Iā€™m not always, by default, wrong because Iā€™m young. While I certainly hope Iā€™ll mature beyond the 19-year old that I am now, itā€™s not like Iā€™m starting from zero. I refuse to be dismissed because of the assumption that young people donā€™t know anything.