Select gems you might have overlooked
By Aidan Mouellic, Staff Writer
Archer: Season Three
The first two seasons of Archer were great, but season three is by far the best on Netflix. If you need politically incorrect laughs on tap, watch a few episodes of Archer.
The Heineken Kidnapping
This is a Dutch film about a handful of men who decide to kidnap the wealthy Mr. Heineken (once owner of the brewing company by the same name) and hold him for ransom. The film is exciting and also based on a true story, which makes an already-good film even better.
The Queen of Versailles
A documentary about the Siegel family, who tries to build the largest house in the United States—until the stock market crash of 2008. The film documents the rise and fall of one of America’s wealthiest families, while remaining insightful and interesting.
The Comedy
A bunch of hipsters make a beautiful film in Williamsburg that turns out to be really good, though only funny at times. To get the full film-viewing experience, consume two cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon while watching this film.