It sounds weird but having solid objects like wooden desks and leather chairs takes up more visual space.
Living small doesn’t mean you have to feel like its small
By Tariq Ghanzi, Contributor
Sometimes the only place you can afford is tiny or is shared space. When that happens you might need some space-saving tips to make your life easier. Here are a few things I have picked up over the that will help your small space feel bigger
Use as many transparent pieces of furniture as possible. It sounds weird but having solid objects like wooden desks and leather chairs takes up more visual space. You see, there is this weird optical trick that gets played when you can see through something that somehow tricks your brain into thinking that they take up less space and in turn that you have more space than you really do. So instead of an oak top desk, pick one with glass; for your computer chair pick one that is mesh or at least is fairly skinny and not upholstered.
Use the backs of doors as storage. If you go to a dollar store you will find these over-the-door clothes/coat racks. They are excellent for conserving space. Another great use is an over-the-door shoe rack. A lot of them are made out of cheap fabric but can hold a dozen or mair pairs of shoes. You can stick all different types of things from gloves, toques, sunglasses, and more into unused pockets. It is a useful and creative multipurpose way to conserve space and store things.
Get multi-use furniture. An ottoman that you can store things in is 100 times more useful than a table. A pegboard that you use to hang loose cables, as well as knick-knacks, is more effective than a painting on the wall. Learning different ways to use your limited space in multiple ways will definitely make your life easier. It’ll also help your square footage feel more premium; a higher quality piece of furniture with multiple uses will make your life feel more luxurious and useful.
Own less stuff. This is the most obvious of suggestions but I still think it’s a necessary one to make. Owning less doesn’t mean limiting yourself to just one pair of pants, it might mean using your available space more effectively by combining uses. Why own a TV and a computer when you only need one? If you can get a stand for your monitor and move it into a more central location or plug everything into one device then you should do that. Maybe you’ll be better off selling both and getting a new TV that is better suited to dual uses.
These aren’t the most perfect suggestions ever made, but they are guaranteed to work. If you are clever, your small space will feel welcoming and enjoyable without being cramped. You will certainly want something bigger or more suitable eventually but in the meantime, this will make it work.