Stephen Harper is not the devil

Harper not like the Tea Party hooligans down south

By Aidan Mouellic, Staff Writer

I didnā€™t vote Conservative in any recent elections. I have always preferred the views of the other political parties and enjoyed the charisma of the politicians running against Stephen Harper. But Harper is not as bad as vocal left-wing outliers make him out to be.

Our current Prime Minister is clearly not the coolest cat in town. He doesnā€™t even come close to Obamaā€™s charisma or Putinā€™s bare-chested bravado, but heā€™s a politician and he knows it. Politicians arenā€™t rock stars. Harperā€™s job is to make sure our country runs well and doesnā€™t go bankruptā€”and heā€™s doing okay.

What gets to me is how people are quick to hate someone because itā€™s the ā€œinā€ thing to do. I neither love nor hate Harper, and I feel as if Iā€™m one of the few. Iā€™m a young, socially liberal Vancouverite; I should hate the man, right? But I donā€™t, because heā€™s actually pretty good when it comes to some social and fiscal issues.

I first took notice of Harperā€™s social views during the ongoing homophobia crisis in Russia. Instead of staying silent on the issue, Harperā€™s government spoke out against the actions of Putinā€™s government and sided with the LGBT community.

Here at home, Harperā€™s government has made efforts to limit cellphone roaming charges, change Canadian mobile contract structures to benefit the consumer, and end cyber-bullying. These are things many people want, and they go along with a more liberal ethos.

Iā€™m happy to be Canadian for many reasons. We donā€™t have to deal with the abhorrent political drama of the United States, and American conservatives make Harper seem like a Green Party member. Harper likely has some questionable stances on some issues, but he keeps them to himselfā€”he does a pretty good job separating his work and private life. In America, itā€™s the opposite: if an American politician is against something, such as abortion, then they will often buy ads on TV detailing why women shouldnā€™t have a say in their own reproductive cycle. Politicians in Canada try not to meddle with citizensā€™ personal lives too much. As Pierre Trudeau famously said, ā€œThereā€™s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.ā€ In the United States, many politicians, especially Republicans, feel as if itā€™s their duty to tell their nation what people should and shouldnā€™t be doing in their private lives.

There are plenty of things Harper has done that Iā€™m not a fan of, like cutting funding to many arts and science initiatives. As a whole, though, heā€™s a much better politician than what our neighbours to the south are often dealing with, and heā€™s not nearly as conservative as a lot of people make him out to be. Itā€™s never going to be cool to be a fan of Harper, and Iā€™ll never have his poster on my wall, but he doesnā€™t deserve nearly the amount of hate that he is currently receiving.