The best 20 albums from 2016
Even though 2016 seemed like a terrible year due to the many unthinkable events that occurred, at least the amazing music scene was a redeeming quality.
Even though 2016 seemed like a terrible year due to the many unthinkable events that occurred, at least the amazing music scene was a redeeming quality.
“Although it’s a business association, the DCBA caters to all students, not just business students.”
If you’re into rough and rigorous sex, then it makes sense that athletes must reserve their energy the night before and save it for a big game.
If cigarettes are legal and obviously bad for your health, then why should only drugs be prohibited when they’re both harmful?
Post-its can be a great tool for keeping up to date during exam season.
It creates an environment of fear and toxicity.
Perry raps and sings in both English (with her English accent) and Japanese, which is an eclectic signature style.
“Kylie Jenner wasn’t fucking around when she said 2016 was the year of realization… We realised the world is ending.”
It actually makes sense, because walking up the slope to get to college already makes students catch their breath.