The Jock Trap

By Josh Martin, Sports Editor

Who is your favourite all-time athlete?

 Jock trap_Holly Withers

Holly Withers, second-year history major

“I’d probably say Wayne Gretzky. He’s one of the Canadian heroes, and I’m Canadian, and out of all the many sports out there, hockey is the one that I really follow. As a person and as an athlete, I really respect him a lot. He knew what he was doing and understood commitment and understood that you needed to be a team player and it isn’t just about yourself and that you need to make sure everyone is succeeding with you. I learned from him that you’re not always on top and you’re not always the number one person. There’s always going to be someone out there who’s better than you, but that’s no reason to not try and be the best that you can be.”


Jock trap_Chelsea Stamp-Vincent

Chelsea Stamp-Vincent, third-year psychology student

“It would have to be Cody Hodgson. He was pretty awesome when he was on the Canucks and I think he’s really going to prove himself to take over the Buffalo Sabres as captain in a couple of years. He’s really cute and he has the drive to do it. I think that the Canucks really underplayed him when they had him and they’re going to regret it. I think he’s nowhere done peaking, I think he’ll peak in his 30’s. He’s got a really good career ahead of him and brings [a great asset] in being able to play multiple positions.”