Wales Field School open for registration

Image from Douglas College website.

Instructors promoting 2013 field school

By Dylan Hackett, News Editor

Students wanting to take their post-secondary education global are now able to register for the 2013 Wales Field School. The field school program offers nine credits to students wanting to study over the first eight weeks of the summer 2013 semester, earning credits for Themes in Literature (ENGL 1102) taught by Brenna Gray, Introduction to Writing Poetry (CRWR 1101) by Elizabeth Bachinsky, and Philosophy of Art (PHIL 1245) by Darcy Cutler.

”Studying abroad transforms the student’s education. It makes learning 3D. Field schools are the best way to study abroad if you’re new to traveling because the class travels together and stays together while abroad,” said Karen Ng, International Mobility Coordinator. “The faculty, aside from teaching the courses, also do a great job in giving the students the information they need to prepare for the trip. It’s also a great way to make some really good friends. The courses usually don’t require pre-requisites because we want to make field schools accessible to as many students as possible.”

The total cost, besides weekend meals and spending money, for the Wales Field School for domestic students, including estimated tuition, program fee, and airfare is $6,364 ($9,855 for international students). Students who apply before Friday, January 25 receive $100 off the program fee.

“We at Douglas International and the BC government support our students who take part in approved study abroad programs and activities. Every year, we offer at least a dozen $500 Douglas International Studies Awards and give out a total of about $15,000 in One World International Scholarships,” said Ng.

Among this year’s other field schools are Switzerland and Belize, the latter of which has not finalized dates.

The next information session for the Wales Field School takes place this Thursday, November 29, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The session will be held in Room 2804 at the Douglas College New Westminster campus.