People who claim ‘they don’t make good music anymore’
By Jessica Berget, Opinions Editor
You would think this is a rhetoric solely voiced by older people, but this is a claim that I hear from all ages. Young, old, 20-somethings, people of all demographics will post comparisons on Facebook of Justin Bieber and Freddie Mercury lyrics with the caption, “They just don’t make good music anymore.”
First of all, chances are you weren’t even alive when this God-sent “good music” came out. Second of all, there is good music out there, you just have to look for it. In 20 years, I’m sure people will be saying that this was the peak era of music, so you should try to appreciate it before you miss out.
It’s 2019 and there has never been as much music in this world as there is right now. There is absolutely no excuse to say that they don’t make good music anymore; all you have to do is try to find it and be open-minded. I think people who make this claim are either too pretentious to try to listen to anything else, or they don’t even try to find good music because they are stuck listening to the same bands and music as they always have. You’re not going to find any good new music if you spend your whole time listening to Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones
I get it, I don’t like the music that most radio stations play or the top 40 hits either, but whatever music is popular on the radio certainly does not speak for all music. If you seriously think that nobody makes good music anymore or “music died in 1973,” you’ve got to get a grip. Maybe try discovering other bands that aren’t from the ’60s or ’70s.
The musical quality hasn’t gotten any worse or any better. I don’t think it was even that great in the first place—it’s just the industry that’s changed. Musical genres evolve as time and generations pass, so obviously some people might not think it’s as good just because it’s different. Furthermore, there is some music from any given time period that really sucks, so I wouldn’t call any era the peak time for music.
If you still seriously think there’s no good music anymore, I encourage you to broaden your horizons. If you insist on listening to the same style of music, there are even many bands today that sound exactly like they came from the same time period as Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd. Try listening to Tame Impala, The Arctic Monkeys, MGMT—or just try to find your own music.