The benefits of film
By Cazzy Lewchuk, Opinions Editor
I love the movies, a lot. I think film is the most accessible art medium—who doesn’t watch movies at least once-in-awhile? Movies are universally appreciated by almost everyone.
I watch a lot of movies—probably more than most people do. When I’m in the mood (such as October: Horror month), I watch a movie every day. If I had the time and discipline, I probably would watch a movie every day of the year.
Movies provide a different way of looking at things. They expose us to stories, performances, and visuals we may never experience otherwise. They provide a getaway; a look at another place, time period, or world that isn’t our own. Film teaches us about the human experience in all of its highs and lows.
Most people have a certain style of movie they prefer. Some prefer intense dramas or action, others enjoy lighter comedic or fantasy elements. There are thousands of movies worth watching, and thousands more that are not. No matter what your taste is, there are still hundreds of movies to choose from.
You could watch a movie every day and still not see everything worth watching. There are people (film critics, professors) who do just that. There’s so much variety to the movies. Expand your horizon. Watch a black and white movie from a time before colour film existed. Watch a silent movie. Watch a movie in another language with subtitles, or one with an entire cast you’ve never heard of. Watch lesser-known works from a well-known director or actor.
Netflix streams thousands of movies on demand, and adds new ones continuously. Many other movie-on-demand services exist that feature lots of great titles, even if you haven’t heard of them. And of course, there’s always the internet to access movies in a less than strictly legal way. Even YouTube has a lot of full-length movies available for free.
Movies are made for a lot of different reasons. But they aren’t just for profit—they’re an art form. They are made to capture emotion and expression, and explore the reality of life. That may be through a hyper-realistic drama, outlandish cartoon adventure, or arthouse piece with a plot too nonexistent to understand. But they all have something to offer and teach about our grasp of the world. Movies are a way for humans to learn from each other. They expose us to new ideas, concepts, and even emotions that may never have been realized otherwise.
The most viewed and popular movie of all time is The Wizard of Oz. Virtually everyone has seen it. It brings out the best of what makes movies great. Where else could you view flying monkeys, talking lions, and spectacular musical numbers by tiny munchkins? Movies are truly an experience unlike any other.