There are always two ways to be wrong
By Matthew Fraser, Opinions Editor
Every day we are inundated with news of bad behaviour, indiscretion, or diabolical self-grandeur. Whether it’s ruthless wealth accumulation or a cold-hearted disdain for suffering, it seems like we are surrounded by people with less than human hearts. When you look at the advertised political divisions it seems easy to cast our lot with the ideological left over the ideological right. However, given the insane adherence to party lines, coupled with talking points that frequently lead to blatant irrationality, it is clear that the one is as imperfect as the other. It is the incredible drive to create something better that motivates progressive thinking… which also viciously drives the other’s plans into a ditch. Better still are the one-dimensional paintings of historical figures as either from the “enemy” camp or from within one’s own ranks. There is an obsessive need to reduce everyone to a binary image that deletes the complexities inherent humans.
There has never been a movement that didn’t first seek to enshrine in its followers a sense of oneness and unity. Whether it’s workers’ rights, war efforts or idolized tropes, the “us” must always be united to conquer the evil “them.” However, what is to become of a movement that casts a net so wide as to speak for an entire gender, race, or societal segment? What happens when the feminism that speaks for all women is faced with dissenters like the TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists)? The hive mindset of liberals can’t allow it; just as Democratic Rep. Karen Whitsett now faces censure for thanking Donald Trump, so too does any other member face persecution for stepping outside the acceptable lines of thought. Worse still is the member of a so-called “persecuted class” who chooses to side with their “oppressor” and explains the good reason to do so. For these individuals, the well of good will has run dry.
There is an incredible tenacity in the rush to create a “better, more, inclusive future”; nobody actually stands against an improvement to the world we currently live in but to some it is more readily apparent when the bull-headed excitement will lead us to disaster. Though trans rights are important, it is clear to many scientists that giving children hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgery before puberty can lead to long-term mental health issues, yet progressives have made it possible for drugs with no long-term studies to be given to children as young as 10-and-a-half. There are decisions that children should not be able to make for themselves simply because there is no retracing those steps and because some things are too precious to risk. Temperance through time is an important factor in good decision-making and though it may seem that we are helping people, there are irreversible mistakes that can be made at 16 that some deeply regret.
Like any good and long-lasting ideology, there is a necessary massaging of history to do, the antagonist must be reduced to a simpler and purer form of evil and the hero must remain in the loving glow that permeates from perfect adoration. To this day, many a liberal idealizes Che Guevara; these same liberals who fight against capital punishment and homophobia wear t-shirts bearing the visage of Cuba’s former executioner and architect of homophobic law. Once again, it is not permissible for fact to interfere with the legend that underpins the movement—the full spectrum colour of a figure cannot be seen if any amount of it is detestable and contrary to the movement.
The great struggle of the social creature that is a human being, is to attach oneself to a perfect line of thought and vision. The hypnotic nature of belonging to an organized force seems to provide the direction we all need; still, one should be careful of a movement that purports to fight for every member of one group without acknowledging their differences. Caution must be taken to ensure that in the effort to create more happiness we don’t silently breed hurt by foolish deeds. Better still is to look truthfully at those who came before us and those surroundings us in order to avoid the delusion of perfect good and evil.