Douglas College New Westminster campus gym review
By EG Manilag, Staff Writer
As students at this college, we should all be aware that we have tons of amazing perks to enjoy. One of these perks is the New Westminster Fitness Centre, located at room N1315 (in Coquitlam campus, we have a gym located at Pinetree Community Centre). Students should check out some facilities in both campuses because they are free for us to use. But for those who don’t have time or—let’s face it—are too lazy, I did it for you.
I workout because I’m a skinny guy myself. Knowing that the college offers free access to their gym, I was amazed. It’s definitely a good bargain… especially as a broke student. Rather than spending some money on gym memberships I save, and it’s also more convenient due to location. When I went to the gym the first time, I was asked to have my student ID card presented and was also asked to sign an online waiver of claims. The waiver includes release of liability and an indemnity agreement. After signing, I was good to go, and I only have to use my ID card the next time that I visit.
The gym was bigger and more spacious than I expected, given that I’ve been to the Coquitlam campus gym already. The New West campus’ exercise equipment and machines are in excellent condition. I would definitely say that enough is offered for Douglas students to reach their fitness goals.
My first gym session in New West was quite different than the other gym sessions I’ve had before in my life because it was the first time that I trained without doing some cardio. Previously as a runner, I rarely went to the gym or lifted weights. I don’t usually lift weights. But that day in that gym was totally different. I felt so weak and light. At that time, I could barely even lift a 20-pound dumbbell.
Moments after the workout, I already felt the soreness in my biceps and chest; however, I did not get completely tired. The experience was memorable, and I enjoyed that new and weird feeling of switching from running to weightlifting. Plus, the atmosphere and choice of music in the centre really boosted my mood and made it an enjoyable fitness experience. I simply had fun! Once again, do not forget that our college has more amenities and services to offer than you think. They’re usually great and best of all, they’re all free!