Health authority branches out into cookbook publishing

Says new book will revolutionize cooking for the enemy

By Sophie Isbister, Life & Style Editor

In order to combat provincial government cuts to health care and raise more funds, Vancouver Seaside Health announced Thursday that they will be selling a cookbook titled How to Cook Food for People You Don’t Really Like That Much.

The cookbook, which features recipes devoid of the flavour-enhancing chemical known as salt, will be available on, in bookstores everywhere, and of course at all hospital gift shops. Some hotly anticipated recipes from the book include boiled vegetables, rice, and cold tea (made by boiling water and then allowing it to sit until cold).

Mrs. Bradshaw in the hip trauma unit raves about the book: “I just don’t know how they make the food taste so awful!” she says, adding that she looks forward to purchasing her copy upon her release from the hospital so that she can cook a lumpy pudding for her daughter-in-law.

Ronald Porcupine, of Porcupine Publishing, believes the book will sell well, citing a recent trend in diet and cookbooks designed to make food taste absolutely inedible. Porcupine tells us, “Our most successful book in 2013 was all about kale! Can you imagine a worse-tasting vegetable? I can’t.”

How to Cook Food for People You Don’t Really Like That Much is available for pre-sale and will be on shelves July 11.