Hilarious insult game is great fun

Screenshot from the game
Screenshot from the game

‘Oh…Sir!’ video game review

By Lauren Paulsen, Senior Columnist


When I first stumbled across the Oh…Sir! video game, I immediately wanted to try it on my brother. The concept is quite simple: you get a friend or family member to come join you and then you insult each other.

I thought the concept was hilarious and, what’s more, the game is completely free on Steam. To play, you each take turns choosing a piece of a sentence from the ones the game randomly generates for you. The sentences have to make sense. You cannot just randomly put the pieces together or you will lose health. The game will score you on your sentence and then will allocate so many damage points to your adversary. Longer sentences can often give you more points, but the game seems to favour really well-crafted short insults as well. Although it may seem that the first person chosen to play—which the game decides—has an advantage, they don’t always win.

Monty Python fans will most certainly appreciate this game, as the theme for the amJam game jam event—the video game creation event that Oh…Sir! was created during—was “this parrot is no more,” which is based on Monty Python’s Dead Parrot sketch. This, unfortunately, went right over my head when I dove into playing the game, as I am not overly familiar with Monty Python. I kept wondering what this dead parrot was about. I did, however, recognize several of the insult fragments as being from Monty Python, despite not having seen the TV series or movies.

The game is fairly simple and after several rounds you will have seen all of the randomly generated sentence pieces. However, it’s still quite impressive considering the creators developed it in 42 hours during the event.

I’m hoping that the creators will add more content in the future, but if not, it’s still fun to grab a friend or family member, sit down together with a cup of tea, and mercilessly insult each other.