L&S Listed: 10 people who are dressed worse than you

In the past, Vancouver has caught some flak from online commentators for supposedly having the worst-dressed citizens. And while it’s true that our crunchy, West Coast zeitgeist has people hitting the streets in ungodly sartorial creations, there are hidden benefits to living in frump-town. Mainly, you’re never the worst dressed person in the room. Here are some people who are:

1. The lady at the wedding wearing Crocs.
2. The guy at Cactus Club in an Affliction T-shirt.
3. The woman at the grocery store in roller skates.
4. The guy who didn’t notice the “No shirt, no service” sign.
5. Anyone still wearing winter’s ragged fleece.
6. The gaggle of teens whose shorts may as well be denim underwear.
7. The guy with the fanny-pack full of gel food who laps you on the Grouse Grind.
8. Anyone who looks like they got lost on their way to Shambhala.
9. The guy whose peeling sunburn rivals that of a molting snake.
10. And finally, the gals at noon on the beach with midnight makeup.