Every good driver knows how to flip the finger
By EG Manilag, Staff Writer
If you were or are planning on taking your road test, you probably have already realized that right now is not exactly the ideal time for the quiz. You can still practice though! Here are some tips on how to get ready for your eventual road test.
Practice a speech for your driving instructor
Why stress yourself practicing behind the wheel to get that license when you can just talk your way out of it? Just write something persuasive, utilitarian, and emotional. That will definitely get the instructor hooked. And they might say something along the lines of “great job and great speech, I will now let you pass even though you said you totally didn’t see that tree in the middle of the road.”
Download a car driving simulator app
If you want do not want to get yelled at by your mom or dad (or both at the same time) when failing at parallel parking, then a driving simulator app is just the thing for you. With the app you can do tons of crazy cool things. Beating the red light without getting caught or fined, for example. You could also drive cars that you know you cannot afford for the rest of your life. That’s right my friends, I just got myself a customized Ferrari SF90 Stradale.
Wait for a mass promotion
Who wouldn’t like that? Giving all L drivers a promotion would totally be nice. It’s not their fault that they have to wait indefinitely. I mean this quarantine could possibly last a lifetime. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?
Practicing honking your horn at other drivers and giving the finger
You know what really grinds my gears? Drivers who don’t do a full stop before a stop line or a stop sign. They may feel safe in disobeying the rules because they’re used to it—but that’s not the case for other drivers they might encounter… especially those new ones. These outlaws somehow deserve to be honked at. But the people who steal your parking—they deserve the finger.
Read those driving books
You could be the very first person to ever read ICBC’s driving manuals. Let me know if you made it so that I can feature you in the Other Press World Records.
Be mad at yourself for not passing it the first try
You could’ve been driving on the streets of Vancouver by now, but what did you do? You failed. Thrice! And now that road tests are suspended indefinitely and your license is about to expire, you are left with no choice but to blame that person behind the wheel.