Add some flavour to your plain yogurt

Tasty yogurt snack recipes

By Naomi Ambrose, Staff Writer


Eating plain yogurt doesn’t have to be a boring activity. With a wide selection of fruits, nuts, and chocolate that you can add, you can make some plain, unsweetened yogurt a lot more enjoyable and transform your snack experience.


Plain yogurt, almonds, and raisins


1/2 cup of plain yogurt

1/2 cup of unsalted almonds

1/2 cup of raisins


First, ensure that the yogurt is in a tightly sealed plastic container. You can buy in bulk or in the individually packaged units; it doesn’t really matter. I would suggest that if you do buy in bulk, do not mix this up all at once. Portion out the yogurt, then mix in your tasty additions. The yogurt will last longer in the fridge this way.

After you set aside the portion of yogurt, add the almonds and raisins. Mix thoroughly. If you’re bringing the snack to school or work, you may want to bring the almonds and raisins in a tightly sealed sandwich bag and add them just before eating. That way they won’t get soggy and will provide different textures to your meal.

If you want to add some more toppings to the almonds and raisins, you can add one spoonful of crushed cranberries or granola mix.


Plain yogurt and dark chocolate


1/2 cup of plain yogurt

One to three bars of dark chocolate


For this yogurt and dark chocolate snack recipe, after you’ve portioned your yogurt out again, cut or break the bars of chocolate into small pieces. If the chocolate is very hard, you may choose to grate the chocolate with a grater. Grating the chocolate may also make it easier to thoroughly mix it if you’d prefer a softer texture—or you can add the chocolate after first melting it. The liquid chocolate gives the yogurt a nice, syrupy, swirly look. However, if you’re bringing this snack to work or school, that might not be possible.