We’re still in lockdown?? *eye roll*
By Morgan Hannah, Life & Style Editor
I mean really dance; flail all your limbs about, crouch down low and try dancing like a crab would, slither like a snake, try out all the weird moves you’re too afraid to do in public!
Yup, you read that right. We are still in lockdown although the word “lockdown” is used loosely these days depending on who you’re talking to (might have something to do with the ever-annoying “indefinite” status of said lockdown). People tend to bend the rules to suit their lifestyles. Sure, we don’t yet have concerts, festivals, night clubs, or big parties and gatherings… that are publicly advertised, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get outside (or inside if that’s your thing) and have a little fun. We just have to remember our masks and hand sanitizers! And remember, the Other Press does not condone spreading the virus—if you’re sick stay home!
Anyways, here’s another list of some alternative ideas to try during the pandemic lockdown. Because you can seriously never have too many ideas and activities!
Seems pretty straight forward and you’re probably thinking “I’ve totally seen dancing as an activity option before, what’s so special or alternative about that?” Well, have you ever tried to dance to African music? Brazilian music? Something culturally different to you that holds a good beat? And I mean really dance; flail all your limbs about, crouch down low and try dancing like a crab would, slither like a snake—go try out all the weird moves you’re too afraid to do in public!
Decorate a pillowcase
This one is easy and great for all ages! Grab a handful of colourful permanent markers and draw a scene, a comic strip, a mandala, an anime character, a frog, whatever! Make it loud, bold, and beautiful! Now grab the other pillowcases off your bed and decorate those too! While you’re at it, pin down your sheets and duvet and draw all over those, too! Who cares if it looks terrible after (it won’t, it’ll be a gorgeous piece of personal art) you’re in a pandemic and can’t share your bed with anyone right now anyways.
Stop motion video
Grab a chunk of modelling clay, Lego, or even just construction paper and a camera (iPhone will do). Create some characters and have them enact all the things you’d be doing in real life if the pandemic wasn’t a thing! Here’s a tutorial on how to make stop motion videos.
Scratch 2.0
Create interactive stories, games, animations, and more with Scratch 2.0! This program is pretty neat (works best on a computer/laptop) and may look a bit junior, but it’s a great steppingstone for beginners or kids! Besides, now you can say you’ve made your own computer game, and that’s pretty cool!
Talk to your parents and your grandparents to learn about your ancestry. Learn where you came from, and if your long-lost family was royalty or pirates! This is a great option for getting in touch with family and learning new and exciting things about your lineage. And hey, you might learn something really interesting and life changing, or maybe you’ll discover yourself making plans to travel to your country of origin when the pandemic lifts!
P.E. games
If you’ve got siblings, roommates, kids, or significant others staying with you, try getting into all those old Physical Education games they forced you to play in school. They’re a lot more fun as an adult with good friends and a couple of drinks. Remember “Red Light Green Light,” “SimonSays,”and “What Time is it Mr. Wolf?”Yeah, those games.
Build things
Take all the furniture in your place and build a giant structure out of it in the centre of your room. While everything is in the middle of the room, take this opportunity to deep clean your place (it may not sound fun, but it feels sooo good to get it done), then rearrange your place to look differently. Maybe even play with the feng shui to harmonize your home.