By Livia Turnbull, Accidental Reporter
In the wake of Brad Paisley’s controversial and unintentionally racist song “Accidental Racist,” the country singer’s record label, Arista Nashville, decided last Friday to leak a previously unreleased track called “Accidental Sexist.” Nashville tweeted shortly after the leak that “things could be so much worse,” hoping to illustrate the song’s satire in the process. “Accidental Sexist” has already angered numerous feminist groups around the Internet, including the feminist blog Jezebel.
“This is stomach-turningly awful,” wrote Sarah Freedom, Jezebel blogger. “The opening lines of the song are: ‘I miss the days when children was a woman’s only plan/Now she has get out there and work like a man.’”
When asked to explain the unreleased track on Good Morning America, Paisley defended the song: “I think women are our most important minority, next to African-Americans. One day, I turned on the television and there was a rerun of Jersey Shore on. I thought the women were being unfairly represented on that show, so I wrote a song.”
“Accidental Sexist” has also enraged numerous pro-choice groups, with focus particularly on the lines “Women now have a choice on what to do with a baby/But they don’t think about the little life they could lead/Instead they go into Planned Parenthood and get some surgery/‘Cause having a baby is a man’s greatest joy.”
“When I was growing up, having a baby, especially when you were married, meant that you were a proper feminine woman,” Paisley also explained on Good Morning America. “Times have changed and now we get women who think a baby is just a temporary illness instead of a little cell of life. I want all women out there to listen to this song and think about their value as women.”
The song also features a guest verse by star Kim Kardashian in an effort to promote her new music career. “When most people think of women in the media, they think of Kim Kardashian,” says Paisley. “I think she’s following her own example on how to be a woman. She’s pregnant, but she’s keeping the baby along with the support of her boyfriend.” Kardashian was unavailable to comment, as she was attending her own baby shower live on TMZ for her child, who she has revealed will be named God.
Kardashian’s verse contains choice lines such as “I was unable to make any noise/until I did a home movie with one of my boys,” referring to her infamous “leaked” sex tape that launched her into stardom. In reference to Kardashian’s lyrics, Freedom wrote “After hearing the verse from Kim, I just gave up. Feminism is finished, everyone.”