By Angela Espinoza, News Editor
“Did you know” informs Douglas students about college services. If you’re part of a campus organization for students and want to raise awareness, email us at news@theotherpress.ca
Douglas College maintains a number of student-led organizations throughout both campuses, such as the Student Ambassadors. The Student Ambassadors often organize events and activities at the college, with a focus on team building.
“The student ambassadors are a select group of student leaders who volunteer their time on campus,” said Samantha Berbeck, student development coordinator at the Office for New Students (ONS). “This program, run out of the [ONS], allows Ambassadors to gain personal, professional, and leadership skills while giving back to the College community.
“Student Ambassadors help the ONS staff run events like New Student Orientation and monthly Information Sessions. They also have the opportunity to create and plan their own events to increase student engagement. This semester, the [David Lam] Campus Ambassadors planned a Games Expo, and the New Westminster Ambassadors are planning an [Easter-themed] event.”
Like other college groups and organizations, getting involved with the Student Ambassadors gives students a chance to gain volunteer as well as work experience in the down time between classes.
“There are a few ways that students can become involved,” said Berbeck. One way students can get involved is by attending various events put on by the Ambassadors, and speaking to members one-on-one. “Students can also apply on our website (dcambassadors.org), we typically look at applications at the beginning of each new semester, and then hold group interviews. We are looking for leadership skills, a welcoming and positive attitude, and past volunteer experience. If a student doesn’t make it into the program, we recommend that students get more volunteer experience and reapply in a future semester.”
Berbeck added that students who get involved with the Ambassadors program also receive benefits beyond additional volunteer experience.
“Students gain experience in public speaking, planning events, and working as a team, and they have the chance to develop their personal and professional networks. We also offer training nights for things like interview skills and leadership training,” all of which Berbeck states are great resumé builders as well.
“Another huge benefit is the social aspect, ambassadors do a lot of great work, but they also have a ton of fun. In the past, we have had games nights, Christmas parties, and laser tag events.”
Those wishing to apply for the Student Ambassadors, or who just have questions about the program are invited to get in contact with the group. Information is available at the ONS offices located at the New West campus in room 2817 and the David Lam campus in room A1360.