The WFCP recognizes efforts of educational institutions worldwide
By Angela Espinoza, News Editor
On October 24, Douglas College was awarded in the category of “international collaboration” at the 2014 Congress of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP).
Held in Beijing, the ceremony awarded members of the WFCP based on their qualifications of five categories. For the international collaboration award, according to the award guidelines, Douglas College had to show “the increasing significance of global projects and cooperation and demonstrated excellence in achieving results through innovative international collaboration.”
“The award was for a college or association of colleges that was actively involved in international projects [and] had a good track record in cooperation amongst international institutions…” said Douglas’ manager of international contracts and projects Betty Mitchell.
Amongst other achievements, Douglas highlighted itself as “one of the first colleges in North America to build collaborative programs with institutions in China” back in 1998 in its pledge for the award. Douglas also demonstrated its numbers in increased international staff to better support international activities and the 1,500 international students that study at Douglas each year, as well as the numerous field school trips Douglas offers every semester.
“Three levels of awards were given out in the international collaboration category, and we received the silver award” said Mitchell.
China’s Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Technical College was awarded gold in the category while the British Columbia Institute of Technology received bronze.
In a press release regarding the award, Douglas’ vice-president of international education and strategic partnerships Guangwei Ouyang said, “We are honoured to receive this award from the [WFCP]. Our focus on internationalization is part of what makes Douglas College such a vibrant educational institution for international and domestic students.”